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Youth pastor opening

La Crescenta, CA



  • Reporting directly to the Lead Pastor, the Youth Leader is responsible for overseeing the youth ministry.

  • The Youth Leader is responsible for casting vision, operating weekly and monthly youth activities, connecting throughout the week with students, and performing both administrative and meeting duties.


  • Strategic Vision Activities

    • Focus on youth ministry growth

    • Focus on youth maturity growth

  • Youth Event Activities

    • Weekly message preparation

    • Discipleship activities preparation

    • Deliver the weekly message in large and small groups

    • Event scheduling

    • Volunteer participation

    • Plan monthly outside events

  • Student Connection Activities

    • One-on-one connections

    • Connection events at schools and other community organizations

    • Spend time at students’ homes, parks, community events, skate parks, etc.

    • Take groups of students out to lunch, dinner, movies, etc.

    • Connect with students on church campus outside of Wednesday and Sunday ministry times

  • Operation Activities

    • Oversee communication channels (social media, parents, church as a whole)

    • Prepare and manage the budget

    • Resolve conflicts as they arise

  • Meeting Activities

    • Weekly meetings with Lead Pastor

    • Weekly staff meetings

    • Birthday lunch meetings

    • Attend main service at 9:30am on Sundays. Lead youth during 11:30am service.

    • Co-lead events with Kids' Pastor and Pastor of Worship & Innovation

    • Prayer meetings Sundays 7:15 – 8:15am

    • Third Thursday of each month 6:30-7:30pm prayer on Zoom


  • The Youth Leader spends majority of time connecting with students, both on and off of the church campus.

  • The workday will vary, but over the course of the week the Youth Leader will be out in the community and at the physical campus location.

  • Work hours are flexible, but 40+ hours will be required.

  • Weekends and occasionally some holidays (if on a Sunday) are required for this position.

  • Regular Work Week is Sunday - Thursday 


  • Maintain volunteer team

  • Maintain student relationships

  • Meet numerical growth expectations

  • Meet discipleship growth expectations

  • Meet expectations for meeting and administrative duties

  • Master execution of youth events


  • Meeting Objectives deliver what is expected or required; follow through on commitments; demonstrate teamwork; display dependability and perseverance.

  • Communication talk readily and confidently; express ideas with ease and diplomatically; advocate for the interests of the youth ministry; lead and influence debate and discussion.

  • Entrepreneurial Instinct identify new growth and development opportunities; drive new initiatives forward with enthusiasm and energy while influencing direction and outcome; cope with risk.

  • Networking forge relationships; share information; foster an environment of mutual support.

  • Drive & Determination display ambition and determination; accept and enjoy challenges.

  • Friendliness demonstrate liveliness, eagerness to communicate, and willingness to listen.

  • Transparency communicate honest feelings and opinions; show emotion; express genuine reactions.

  • Flexibility embrace new experiences and challenges; consider requests; accommodate priorities.

  • Supporting Others help those who struggle; contribute to collaborative endeavors; foster teamwork.

  • Dependability keep one's word; display trustworthiness; honor commitments.

  • Displayed Virtue embody character, integrity, and commitment to Biblical morality.




  • Foursquare -- church is a member of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.

  • Evangelical -- focus of the church is balancing the five purposes of worship, membership, maturity, ministry, and mission.

  • Pentecostal -- church functions in the gifts of the Holy Spirit (such as healing, miracles, prophecy, and speaking in tongues)


  • Arminian-leaning Theology - Teaching emphasizes God as loving, accepting, and forgiving. Our responsibility is to respond to His call to salvation. Our ability to respond is called free will.

  • Women in Ministry – Teaching emphasizes that women can hold pastoral roles.


  • Biblical relationships

  • Forgiveness over critical theory

  • Life begins at conception

  • Marriage is between one man and one woman

  • Application of Biblical truth, demonstrating grace and mercy, yet willing to challenge.

  • Church staff members are family. We are there for each other. No matter what someone faces personally or professionally, we will lock shields and go into battle together, fighting the good fight until Jesus provides His victory.

  • When disobedience arises regarding a Biblical issue, the posture is toward repentance and reconciliation. The heart and goal are to foster complete restoration and to support the steps necessary for God to redeem the situation.




  • Purpose Driven Church – every pastor focuses on the following five purposes within his or her ministry:

    • Worship -- praising God

    • Fellowship -- developing relationships

    • Discipleship -- fostering habits of a maturing believer

    • Ministry -- caring for others

    • Evangelism -- sharing your story and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ


  • Encourage attenders to become church members

  • Inspire attenders to attend the four 'Life Development Seminars' (seminars required of staff members):

    • 101 – Membership -- This is the introductory seminar in CVCHURCH’s Life Development (LD) process. Attenders learn about Christianity, CVCHURCH, relationship with Jesus, and fellowship with others. Pastor Scott Wood teaches.

    • 201 – Maturity -- Once a member completes LD 101, the next step is LD 201. This seminar (Becoming Friends with Jesus) helps a member commit to the spiritual habits of maturity as a follower of Christ: Bible study, worship, prayer, giving, and attending small group. Pastor Rick Whitlow teaches.

    • 301 – Ministry -- After completing LD 101 and 201, the next step is LD 301. This seminar motivates mature members to discover their unique S.H.A.P.E. -- the gifts, passions, abilities, talents, personality, and experiences that God has given. Members also learn to function in their S.H.A.P.E. in order to live out God's plans and purposes for their lives. Pastor Kathe Wood teaches.

    • 401 – Mission -- After completing LD 101, 201, and 301, in LD 401, serving members discover their life's mission. Members will become comfortable sharing their relationship with Jesus with others. Pastor Scott Alvarez teaches.


  • Services

    • Sundays 9:30 & 11:30am

    • EPICC Youth - Wednesday 7pm & Sunday 11:30am

    • Celebrate Recovery - Friday 7pm

  • Focal Ministries

    • Community Outreach

    • Celebrate Recovery

    • Men’s & Women’s Ministries

    • Small Groups

    • Kids' Place Children's Ministries

    • EPICC Youth Ministry

      • Currently 9 – 11 students

      • Volunteers Tanner Haynes (28) and Phoebe Brown (18) are leading the ministry.

      • Attendance 50+ prior to covid lockdowns; has shrunk to about 10 students currently

      • Current students are a blend of junior high and high school and are mostly carry-overs from the previous youth pastor and are an eclectic group

      • Middle & high school currently meet together on both Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings

      • No substantial volunteer base with one or two parents currently involved


  • Church council (seven-member team that provides fiscal oversight)

  • Lead Pastors (Scott & Kathe Wood)

  • Full-time pastors (Rick Whitlow, Scott Alvarez, Beth Krausse)

  • Part-time staff (administrative, media, design, and janitorial)


  • Full-time Pastors

    • Senior Pastor -- Scott Wood

    • Pastor of Worship & Innovation -- Kathe Wood

    • Pastor of Finance & Administration -- Rick Whitlow

    • Kids Place! Pastor -- Beth Krausse

    • Celebrate Recovery & Mission Purpose Pastor -- Scottie Alvarez

    • Youth Pastor – current opening

  • Lead Pastors Scott & Kathe Wood -- Each with a tenure of 30+ years, their focus has been teaching the five purposes in Jesus' Great Commandment and Great Commission. Their shared passion is to help people know, love, and serve Jesus. They seek to know every member and attender, care for them, and help them grow. They model and encourage vulnerability and authenticity. They pursue Jesus in every area of life: Spiritual, Emotional, Relational, Financial, Vocational, Intellectual, Physical, Political, and Sexual (SERFVIPPS).

  • Three additional full-time pastors, each with tenures of 15+ years, and a total staff of about 13.

  • Staff contribute to the goals of the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. They partner to communicate that Jesus is Lord and that He is doing a wonderful work at CVCHURCH.

  • Staff feel loved, accepted, and cared for. The Senior Pastor is flexible with staff work and vacation schedules.

  • Staff foster a positive, loving, challenging, and supportive environment.

  • Staff positions have been stable and long tenured. Most turnover historically has been in the youth pastor role, although in the last thirteen years there have only been three youth pastors.


  • Multicultural body of around 350-400 people

  • Budget is approximately $800,000

  • Mostly conservative, Evangelical Christian members and attenders

  • Young adults, youth, and kids have around 15–20 people in each

  • Church relationships are primarily ministry-related

  • Involvement in small groups for relationship, discipleship, and accountability




  • Follow Biblical directives on personal morality

  • Seek accountability and recovery for personal struggles

  • Abstain from alcohol use with church members or staff

  • Refrain from being alone with the opposite sex other than spouse


  • Read the Bible daily using the CVCHURCH Bible bookmark or YouVersion app

  • Engage in prayer regularly

  • Seek active discipleship

  • Disciple others


  • Staff tithes 10% of their income

  • Staff teaches the Biblical basis for tithing (Malachi 3:6-10 "living under the open window" and Matthew 23:23 "Jesus endorses")




  • Show numerical growth of at least 10 students in the first year.

  • Demonstrate a 50/50 time split between community outreach and church on-campus ministry activities.

  • Implement a youth curriculum and discipleship program.

  • Establish a volunteer team.

  • Create at least two partnerships with schools, community organizations, or local youth non-profits. 


  • Expectation that this Youth Leader position would be your full-time vocation.

  • Agreement that you see yourself as called by Jesus to serve as a Youth Leader.

  • Understanding that any additional outside jobs would not jeopardize your success in this position.


  • La Crescenta is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural community (primarily Armenian, Korean, Latin, and Caucasian)

  • Located 16 miles north of downtown Los Angeles, in the San Gabriel Valley foothills.

  • Neighboring cities are Pasadena, Glendale, and Burbank.

  • Cost of living is high (Rent is $3,000+ per month for a 2 bed, 1 bath house; $1,875 for an apartment). Most households have two incomes or roommates in order to afford the cost of living.

  • Mostly public schools with a few private Christian schools nearby.

  • Non-freeway traffic is light within the La Crescenta community. Freeway traffic to greater Los Angeles is heavy. A long commute would be difficult.

  • The beach is located approximately 30-45 minutes away outside of commuting hours.

4) PAY

  • Salary Range is 65 - 69k + benefits.

  • Potential for parsonage next-door to CVCHURCH campus.

  • Potential to succeed Lead Pastors Scott & Kathe Wood.


Dr. Benjamin Wood


Text: (818) 395 - 6084

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