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Operation Christmas Child

Spread the good news of great joy all throughout the world! 

Get Involved

Put "Operation Christmas Child" or "OCC" in the memo line!


It Starts with an Empty Box...

And You! Every month, we will update you on the "special item" focus. 

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Operation Christmas Child

Spread the good news of great joy all throughout the world! 


Operation christmas child

Operation Christmas Child is a way to spread the good           news of Jesus Christ throughout the entire world.             Here's what to do to get involved:


Step 1.

Get a ticket at CVCHURCH’s Sunday Service and join the mission to gift a child abroad a thoughtful present.

Step 2.

Return your item and ticket to CVCHURCH and include a note that shares the word of God.


Step 3.

With Operation Christmas Child, you can follow your box's journey and watch the magic unfold as you create ripples of joy around the globe.

Step 4.

Keep spreading the word of God throughout your life and remember that you have the power to positively impact someone's worldview.


Videos COMING SOON...Check back later!


CVCHURCH Member received Operation Christmas Child

A member of CVCHURCH received Operation Christmas Child when she was young. Her powerful testimony reflects her support for The Operation Christmas Child Ministry here at CVCHURCH. Here is her Testimony:

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